Online Patternmaking Classes
by Don McCunn
Intro to Design Home Page   ►  Step Two

Overview of the Process
Step Two

 Changing Darts and Seams
Change the Location of Darts and Seams

Once the sloper is finished, the next step is to experiment with changing the location of the darts and seams without changing the basic fit of the apron. You can also change darts seams without changing the fit.

The techniques of changing the pattern are so easy to follow you can use them to learn and practice basic sewing skills. This is the process Umma Haleema followed as you can see from her work below.

 Ummu's First Apron    Inside of Ummu's Apron
Ummu Haleema's
first apron.
  The inside of Ummu's apron
showing the finished edges.

Intro to Design Home Page   ►  Step Two   ►   Go To Step Three

Copyright © 2007, & 2020 by Donald H. McCunn