Online Patternmaking Classes
by Don McCunn
Intro to Design Home Page   ►  Overview Step One

Overview of the Process
Step One

 Bottle Model    Apron Sloper    Cardboard Bottle
A Bottle as
a Model
  Create an Apron Sloper Pattern
by Drafting or Draping
  Or, make a bottle
from cardboard

Start by taking a bottle and indicating reference lines that emulate the waist, hip, and knee of a person. Add vertical lines for the Side Seams and Center Front line. Then create an Apron Sloper either by drafting a pattern or draping fabric.

If you don't have an appropriate bottle, instructions are included for making a bottle out of cardboard that you can then use with the Apron Sloper pattern included in the eBook.

Intro to Design Home Page   ►  Overview Step One   ►   Go To Step Two

Copyright © 2007, & 2020 by Donald H. McCunn